Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Random Thoughts, Pt. 2

This past spring when I was working hockey playoffs, I was on the road for about eight weeks, spending about 6-7 days at home during that stretch.  Living in Seattle, it was impossible to get home between games when we were working every other day, but my producer lives outside Boston, and since we spent a lot of time working on the East Coast, he was able to get home a little more often.  The first time I saw him after a visit home, I commented that it must've been nice to sleep in his own bed and get a good rest.  He said he was up in the middle of the night feeding the baby, his youngest of four.  I said, "You're home for one night and your wife makes you feed the baby?  Doesn't she know how little sleep we get on the road?"  I get it now.

Amanda and I have been extremely lucky to both be spending as much time at home with Lily as we have been.  She'll probably go back to work around the end of January, and I'll probably be the stay-at-home dad, traveling some on the weekends.   But if I had been working regularly, or if Amanda had to go back to work sooner, I don't know how we would have done it.  I suppose we would have managed, but I really don't know how working families take care of newborns, particularly when there are already other kids at home.   So much for my plan of tapping in to my bank of sleep stored up from college.

Meanwhile, Lily is doing great, but the reason for my thoughts above is how fussy she can be at times, and how sometimes she won't sleep unless one of us is holding her.  At times she sleeps like a dream, like right now, she is sleeping next to me while I write this, and Amanda and Pearl are asleep upstairs.  Last week she weighed 6lbs, 2oz (I've been lax in my updates), and should be around 6 1/2 lbs or so by now, and we hope to get her weighed in the next day or two.  She is on the verge of outgrowing her preemie clothes and preemie diapers, and is now taking about 2.5 oz of food per feeding.  Our recent cold weather has kept us inside more the last few days, but as previously  noted, she is quite comfortable in Amanda's sling.  Although it's probably a bit soon, she's had some tummy time and is beginning to push herself up a little bit and turns her head already.  And as Amanda likes to say, she found her voice.  When she's hungry, she lets us know it.

But enough of my ramblings, here's some recent pics.

Don't Forget To Breathe.

Update: We weighed her this evening at 6lbs, 9oz.

Lily, 12/15/08

Finding her voice

Lily and her Mom

Pearl gets her licks in

Just chillin'

Pearl's new best friend

Lily and her Dad

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Today is the day we were waiting for.  Until eight weeks ago, that is.  Today is Lily's due date, and the little pooper is eight weeks old exactly.  We won't be able to weigh her today, but two days ago she weighed 5lbs, 14oz, and has been gaining roughly an ounce a day, so we are guessing she is right around 6lbs today.  I don't think we ever would have guessed when she was born that she'd be six pounds by her due date, but as they say, they grow so quickly.

In the last week, Lily has taken to walking.  Mostly in a passive role.  We took her for a few short walks in her stroller, and more recently Amanda has been using her Moby wrap.  A Moby wrap is basically a big piece of cloth they sell you at an exaggerated price because it has a logo on it, but it let's Amanda carry Lily hands-free, and we've been able to take some longer walks with both Lily and Pearl.  One big happy family.

Lily on her due date,  12/6/08

Lily in her Moby wrap,  12/6/08

Lily, Amanda, and Pearl, going for a stroll  12/6/08

So today is Lily's due date, eight weeks since her birth, and four weeks since she's been home.  She's now taking about two ounces of food per feeding, almost double since she's been home.  We still have to feed her every three hours or so for another eight weeks, until we can see if she's ready to sleep longer.  She has quite a library of books, most of which she's read already, and an already well documented wardrobe.  Now that she's "officially" here, she can't wait to meet you all and say hi in person.

Don't Forget To Breathe.