It’s Thursday, October 16, 2008…. I am sitting in the Special Care Nursery at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA watching my daughter sleep comfortably on her fathers' chest completely in awe. Lily is five days old and already I can’t imagine my life without her in it. Was it really just seven days ago that I was admitted to the hospital for high blood pressure? Thirteen days ago that we first learned something wasn’t quite right with the pregnancy? Twelve weeks ago that we learned we would be having a girl? Seven months since we found out we would be having a baby? Wow- what a blur!

Neal and Lily on her 5th day
I feel so blessed to have her here, now, safe and growing. Knowing that she is exactly where she needs to be brings me a peace of mind that I haven’t felt for weeks. I am thankful for my doctors for being so proactive in my treatment plan. I am thankful for Lily’s nurses for nurturing her and caring for her around the clock. I am thankful for Neal who has remained as solid as a rock throughout the last few weeks. But mostly I am thankful for my little girl who brings a smile to my face and a joy to my soul.
Don't forget to breathe.

Lily Maia Rogers, 5 days, 2lbs, 4.1oz
Amanda and Lily, 4 days old
It's well after midnight in Middle-of-nowhere, Virginia, and I'm sitting in a hotel room reading about your beautiful baby girl, with tears streaming down my face. Why am I crying? Because I can feel the worry slowly easing from around your necks, and I know the sheer joy a little girl can bring to your lives. Mostly, I am crying tears of joy for a dear friend who will continue to become an incredible Daddy. Take it from us, it just keeps getting better everyday. Blessings. Kymberly
Ain't she just the most beautiful thang!'s truly amazing to hear/see you changing before my very eyes. Neal, I always knew you were a keeper! I love the whole fam damily! Lily-keep on keepin on Can't wait to experience the wonders of the world with you:)
What a great post, so sweet to see her in daddy's arms. She's amazing!
I am so happy for you guys and I can't wait to meet her. Let me know if you need ANYTHING...someone to take Pearl for a couple of days, someone to cook meals for you so you have one less thing to worry about, someone to clean your house for you, someone to make your life easier so you can spend more time with Lily--ANYTHING and I'll fly right over!!!!
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