O.K., I'm taking over this blog now. My daddy has been "too busy" lately to keep you posted on my progress, so I thought I'd chime in myself.
First of all, I've been sleeping in my new crib the past few weeks and I think I like it. I have a pretty mobile over my head that plays some music over and over. I wish I could change the music from time to time, but I like the spinning stuff. It keeps me occupied until I fall asleep. My mom says it was kind of weird at first when I wasn't in the bedroom with her and dad the first few nights, but every time I started crying, one of them was right there right away. It's as if they're monitoring me or something.
On the subject of sleeping, I guess I take after my dad, because that is now one of my favorite things to do. I never realized those first few months what I was missing. Lately, I've been going to bed between 8-9pm, and I usually sleep until at least 5am, sometimes as late as 7:30. Then I get up and have a nice breakfast, which I prefer rather than eating every few hours all night. I feel much better rested this way, and coincidentally, so do my mommy and daddy. To all you newborns out there, I recommend this sleep thing as soon as you can!

Here I am in my new crib.
How cute am I?
On Wednesday, March 4, I weighed in at 11 lbs, 11 oz. They switched my formula to a new one with fewer calories because I was growing so well, I don't need the special preemie formula anymore, so I may not be gaining as much as I used to. We'll see what happens when I adjust to the new stuff.
Also of note, mom and dad have been playing a lot of music for me. So far my favorites are Nina Simone, The Beatles, Miles Davis, The Grateful Dead, and whatever else come up on the ipod shuffle.
Don't Forget To Breathe