I can't walk yet, so I'm not really sure how mom and dad expect me to go three and a half miles in a mere 39 days, but that seems to be the plan. On May 3, 2009, Mom, Dad and I will be walking to raise money for March of Dimes. That means I have to do a shameless plug here and ask you to donate. It's pretty well documented how small I was when I was born, but in case you need a reminder...

October 15, 2008
The other day, I was weighed at 12lbs, 5oz. It's hard to believe I was ever that small, but thanks to organizations like March of Dimes, I have thrived.
March 3, 2009
Thanks! and...
Don't Forget To Breathe
So stinking CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lookin' good Miss Lucy!
We need some new posts, guys!
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