Lily 10/29/08
Being an astute follower of the real estate market, Lily decided today was a good time to buy, so she convinced her doctor she was ready to get out of her condo (her isolette) and get herself in to a new crib (for our readers of a more advanced age, a "crib" is not only somewhere a baby sleeps, but slang for ones house or home). One theory is that once she is out of her isolette, she may burn so much energy keeping herself warm that her growth will slow down, but the only way to find out is to test it, so this afternoon Lily's isolette was rolled out and her new crib was brought in. Her isolette had been down to 28 celsius, so it's really not much of a stretch to be outside, and in fact, one nurse told us the room temperature in the NICU might even be warmer than 28. They'll keep a pretty close eye on her for 24 hours or so and see how she reacts, and if she needs to go back in she will. But for now, Lily is extremely happy to be out of the fishbowl, taking one step closer to the door, and continually reminding us we better start getting our act together at home. Your bassinet awaits you, Lily, with bells on. And a mobile.
Don't Forget To Breathe
Edited 11/1/08: The morning after Lily's first night in a crib, she had a weight gain of 2.2 oz.
Lily's new crib 10/31/08
Lily in her new crib 10/31/08
Yay Lily! You grow girl!!
Movin on up to the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky!
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