Saturday, November 8, 2008

Homecoming Queen

To the one person (Kelly) who voted in the poll that Lily would be coming home no later than November 8th, congratulations!  After 29 long days in the NICU, Lily has proven to the medical staff that she is ready to be cut loose form her tethers and finally meet her big sister Pearl.  Yesterday she spent ninety worry-free minutes in her Chicco KeyFit 30 car seat, and a few hours ago she was discharged from Overlake Medical Center.

Lily taking her car seat test

She won't be outgrowing her car seat anytime soon

Lily's "Diploma" from the NICU

Wireless, and dressed to go home

The three of us are now at home in Issaquah, and Lily is on the bed with us as I write this.  Her official time of arrival at home was 9:15pm, November 8, 2008.  28 days, 12 hours, and 54 minutes after her birth, but who's counting?  She was born at 2lbs, 6.3oz, and went home at 4lbs, 3.5oz.  Her gestational age is 36 weeks exactly.  For those of you wondering, yes, she fits in a car seat.  I picked the above mentioned seat because it's one of the few seats on the market rated for four pounds and up.  The trip home was uneventful and she has pretty much been asleep since arriving, nonplused by her new surroundings.  

Not an outstanding photo, but she's home!

As for us, Holy Expletive!  We've got a baby at home!  And there are no nurses here, no monitors, and no wires.  What now?  I guess we just start taking care of her and find out if the rumors are true about never sleeping again.  Now, I've been waiting a long time to test out an experiment I've been working on.  It started in college when I started sleeping all day instead of going to classes hoping I could bank my sleep hours for future use.  It continued in my pre-marriage freelance years when an average non-work day consisted of: sleep.  By my calculations I should have enough sleep stored up to last me approximately 11 years.  We'll find out soon enough.

Amanda and I are so thrilled  to finally have Lily here with us.  It is at one time the end of a long, grueling journey, and the beginning of an exciting, life-changing adventure.   Just to lay here and hold her after our odyssey is a gift I will be ever thankful for.  I was holding her and watching her sleep, and just staring at her beautiful face, and couldn't believe she finally made it home and our little family is together.  

My three girls

I find it nearly impossible to express my thanks and gratitude to all those who took part in her care the past four weeks, and for all they have imparted to us, they are a truly special group of people.

Don't Forget To Breathe.

Worth 1000 words.


Susan said...

Amber told me about your blog. I am elated that Lily is home with you. That is utterly fantastic and a wonderful Thanksgiving present. I have some sense of the ordeal you've endured and I can only express my complete admiration, love, and respect for how you have persevered.

My memory being gone, I can't recall if I told that I finally prevailed against the district and Jackie is in school in a warm, supportive self contained classroom at Whitman Middle School. Things are finally smoothing out. I will never forget your support during our crisis.

The pictures you post are heartbreakingly beautiful. I love the Obama baby shot. I too am elated about the election. I grew up in Florida in the sixties where racism was pervasive. Such a miracle. Finally, one the GOP couldn't steal!

Bless you Amanda, Neal, and Lily.

PS - Did you know that Susan is Hebrew for Lily?

lynne213 said...

I am so excited that she is home!!! I can't wait to meet her and spoil her with loud noise making toys that you will probably want to shoot me for!! hahaha. xoxo

Sue Jacquette said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! Congrats! All these exclamation points!

Kelly Choma said...

YAY! Congrats :) I cant wait to finally meet her!

BTW- That person that guessed the 8th was me :)